Mushroom Soup with Truffle Oil

This is my favourite winter soup. Earthy and meaty, it’s hearty enough on its own and it warms the cockles of my heart (and our tummies)! I have successfully tried various recipes for mushroom soup, as there are several by well-known chefs. My favourite ones are by Marcus Wareing and Tana Ramsay (Gordon Ramsay’s other half), and this recipe is a hybrid version.
Mushroom soup with truffle oil

The truffle oil isn’t essential, but if you have a bottle, this is a perfect way to use it. White or black truffle oil both work.

The mushrooms

I found after making this soup over the years, that some shitake mushrooms in the mushroom mix add a lovely meaty richness to the soup. Shitake are rich in “umami”. You can do without them, but if you can get your hands on some, do add them.

If using shitake, you need to discard the tough stalks and only use the tops. This is also a great way of using up little bits of mushrooms lying your fridge. Use a larger quantity of portobello (also called field or flat mushrooms) mixed with other varieties. I don’t bother washing mushrooms, just a quick rub with kitchen paper does the trick.

Adding the little bit of sherry vinegar at the end adds a little dash or acidity that’s imperceptible but cuts through the richness of the soup.

Heston Blumenthal, has a fabulous, if somewhat complex,  recipe for mushroom soup in his “at home” book. That recipe is infinitely richer than this one, but what I love about it is the mushroom powder that he sprinkles on top. He makes the powder by roasting dried mushrooms and them pulverising them. The powder keeps well, and a little of it on soups or risottos does give the finished dish a Michelin star oomph!  


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Mushroom Soup with Truffle Oil
This is my simplified version, which isn’t too rich for a weekday. To make it for special occasions swap some of the milk with crème fraiche or double cream, and it will elevate the soup to “cream of mushroom” levels.
Cuisine Modern British
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
For the soup:
To serve:
Cuisine Modern British
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
For the soup:
To serve:
  1. Wipe the mushrooms (or wash and dry them if you prefer), then cut into thin slices.
  2. Heat the olive oil and butter in a large heavy-based pan, add the onion, garlic and herbs and cook on medium heat until the onion is golden and slightly caramelised.
  3. Add the mushrooms and cook for 12-15 minutes on a medium-high heat until all the liquid from the mushrooms has almost dried up. Add half the stock and all the milk. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the herb stalks or the bay leaf. Ladle the soup into a blender or food processor and allow to cool a little. minutes. Add a little more stock and blend until smooth. Add more stock as necessary to thin out the soup.
  5. Pour the soup back into the pan and add the sherry vinegar or lemon juice. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  6. To serve, reheat the soup gently (don’t let it boil) and serve in bowls with a dollop or crème fraiche and a tiny drizzle of truffle oil.
Recipe Notes


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